Upgrading Debian 5 (lenny) to 6 (squeeze) remotelyThanks to some people in #debian on Freenode:Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
What to do if you see your PHP script relies on a session side-effect error message.I came across this error a few times, enough to where I dug around and finally found the real fix to suppress the error completely.Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
Finding an Intersection Between Arrays in PerlAs explained on Perl monks and Pete Kruckenberg’s post…I needed a similar function that returns an intersection between two arrays in Perl…Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
Things I’ve Learned from Ruby on RailsStart deploying your application immediately…even if it is just from your local development environment to a QA environment. You’ll save…Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
Quick and Dirty Guide to Deploying Rails with CapistranoCapistrano is one of those problem-solving apps that can be tricky to set up at first but is a no-brainer once you’ve deployed with it.Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
Conditionally Checking Existence of a Value in PerlThere are many half-baked methods used for properly testing whether or not a variable is defined. Following are a few examples of some…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
The Subtleties of XPath namespacingTypically when writing XML documents, you would tend to define a default namespace.Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Error Checking Pattern for Form FieldsThe below is written in Perl but is simple enough to adapt to any web programming language.Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Docbook Customization LayerI decided to use Docbook as the place to store user interface documentation for my employer’s web applications.Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
Replacing a Tag Name in VIMI needed to quickly replace acronym tags with abbr tag names since I read somewhere that acronym might eventually be deprecated because of…Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021